The Hazards of Tooth Decay on Your Smile Health

The Hazards of Tooth Decay on Your Smile Health

Spending time practicing good oral health habits helps keep you from experiencing the hazards of tooth decay on your smile. Not only avoiding cavities but gum disease as well. Your daily oral habits–brushing, flossing and seeing your dentist regularly for cleanings and exams makes you a winner when it comes to your smile. What happens when you do succumb to decay? Let’s have a look!

The simplest, yet effective treatment for a tooth experiencing decay is placing a dental filling after removing all the decay material. When tooth decay results in a large cavity or extensive tooth damage, however, a dental filling might not work. Our dentists at Family Dental Care Park Ridge may then need to repair the damage with a dental crown. This crown is essentially a tooth-shaped “cap’ which replaces the outer shell of the tooth once all decay is removed. The crown is then cemented over your tooth for a durable yet visually appealing fix.

If the decay has reached the inside of the tooth and into the tooth pulp, nerves, and roots, you will require a root canal. For this treatment, the decayed areas of the tooth are removed and cleaned. The hole will then be filled with a rubber-like material and a dental crown. If the decay has extensively damaged the tooth, it might require extracting the tooth completely. Our dentists may then restore the area with a dental bridge.

Treating tooth decay is fairly simple and least invasive if treated early on. If you have a tooth which might have a cavity, or if you would like to schedule an examination in Park Ridge, Illinois, please call our dental team at (847) 692.6800. Our dentists, Dr. Matthew Demas, Dr. Lindsay Diaz and Dr. Bryce Larson are happy to help you achieve your best oral health!